On Sunday my brother showed me a picture of a large vinyl sign one ward member (using the term VERY loosely here) had put up regarding another ward member. It said, "____________ was my visiting teacher, my friend, a church leader, and she committed adultery with my husband."
We live in a world where mothers get breast cancer, earthquakes and tsunamis destroy land and people, couple cannot get pregnant, babies die, extremists murder randomly, and cars won't start at the gas station--and that is just stuff I've seen in the past week.
So I'm wondering, did this woman think she was going to fix something? Did she think that hurting one person (and her family) was somehow going to make her feel better?
Seriously, I don't get it. I must be missing something, because I sincerely don't understand this. What is the thought process?
Did anyone ever read "The Secret Life of Bees"? Remember Mae, whose heart broke every time something sad happened? That's how I felt after church on Sunday. Broken-hearted. I wondered how to get through things like this. What can I do to make it better for someone?
And I had a small, personal, private epiphany. It included working on a blanket for a sweet young lady who is fighting for her child's life. It included short visits with people we love. It included prayer and introspection.
With all of the ugliness in the world, there is also a huge world of beauty, including blessed people who make a difference. I hope I am one of those people, even if my contribution is very small.
Doctrine and Covenants 6–9
2 weeks ago
if you ever discover the answer to this question let me know.... but I think your on the right trac service.. and many nights (and days on your knees) Your "favorite" blog stocker
Aundrea that was inspiring. What a blessing it is to count you as a friend. Thank you for reminding me the impact of service. My heart goes out for those involved on all aspects of that story...
Ugh - what a heart breaking thing. I'm so sorry.
This is so sad...for so many reasons. I can't believe someone would do that, no matter how much pain they were in.
I was driving by and I saw it on Saturday night. It made me sick! Their is too much bad and evil in the world, and to see and witness that...:/ Oh boy!!!
You know... this made me cry. There are people out there that just don't care to look at others through the eyes of the savior. They judge, they send hateful things, they call you names, they spread rumors, they try and ruin other peoples lives because they think it will make them feel better, but it's only temporary. This makes me sad. I just don't get it either. I don't. I love you. You are NOT one of these people. I can attest to it personally!!!! These are the times you find out who people really are, by the way they react and treat others that hurt them. I've seen in my own life that some people are just in your life to make an appearance, not to stay. This story really makes me sad. But you are right, people need to be loved and feel loved, not judged. It is not anyones place to judge.
Way to go, girl. I think we all need a little reminder of how important it is to look for the good in life and to serve others. I was talking to a client yesterday about trials, and said that when bad things happen we can dwell on how horrible it is, or we can try and find peace and happiness. (Even if we are still crying about it everyday!)
I can't say to whether or not that sign will mend that woman's broken heart. Having been through some bone crushing pain in the past few months I can say that we are not to judge how someone else grieves. Especially if we have not personally experienced that trial. I have watched people close to me experience some incredibly hard things and I think it is easy from my seat to say "I would do that differently" but how do you really know?... and thank goodness you don't know.
We all have regrets, no one is perfect. Repentance is a such a gift for those moments when being forgiven is imperative.
You are wonderful Aundrea, and I too thank you for your friendship. You are an amazing example of selflessness and love and service. Thank you for making the world more beautiful.
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