Yesterday was Taylor's "farewell" in our ward sacrament meeting. At 9:00 a.m. he attended the farewell of one of his high school friends, and we attended another one in our stake. Apparently, all of the "kids" (mostly choir members from WJHS who graduated in 2011 or 2012) from both previous sacrament meetings decided to come to our ward, too, as did many friends from Tay's YSA ward and other single activity groups. That really touched my heart. There were DOZENS of kids there. (And actually, I shouldn't call them kids. They are talented, beautiful, capable, WONDERFUL men and women!) My two Utah brothers and their families were there. My uncle and aunt from Heber came. Our dear friends from Magna came. All three of Spencer's parents were there, as was his sister and many of her family members. We are so grateful for the wonderful support group that our son has!
Taylor really struggled with putting this talk together. He studied like you wouldn't believe all week long, but still it just wasn't coming together for him. He stayed up late on Saturday night and said that he was on version 3.0. By the time we had sacrament meeting, he said it was version 3.2. Whatever version it was, he did a great job.
After Tay spoke, he, Logan, Chris, Craig, and Ryan sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing." They sang a cappella in 4-part harmony, and it was LOVELY. They've held practices at our house during this past week, which was also a wonderful blessing.
Our stake president asked that we stay for our entire block of meetings. Taylor didn't really want a "party," so we didn't do anything at our house afterward. Because I had a Primary lesson to teach, I didn't get to do a lot of visiting afterward, but it was a marvelous payday for sure.
At 7:00 a.m. yesterday, the stake presidency held a combined high council / bishopric training meeting. They invited all of the missionaries who are leaving within the next month and their parents to attend the meeting. One of the 8 who was there was a young man who just returned from his mission. All of the other seven are young men leaving from our stake in the next month. There was one young man with special needs who will be gladly serving at the Jordan Institute, which is just a couple of miles from our home. The rest were boys who we have known since they were in elementary school: TJ, CJ, Chris, Taylor, Kjel, and Mark. They are going all over the world, including North America, Africa, South America, and Central America. The stake president invited each of those 8 young men to stand and share their testimonies. They each took just a couple of minutes, but they bore powerful witness of the Savior. It was a marvelous way to begin a Sabbath morning. My goodness! The power in that room!
Our "sons" Craig and Chris were endowed in the Jordan River temple on Saturday evening. We asked if it would be alright if we came, and they both said they would LOVE that. It was so fun to walk into the endowment room and see Taylor and two of his dear friends sitting there. Each of the boys, Craig and Chris, waved at me once I was seated, and it made my heart melt a little bit.
Craig's mother was adorable as we greeted them in the Celestial Room. She expressed her love for Taylor and her gratitude for our support of Craig. Craig goes to Seattle, Washington, in early September.
I sat next to Chris's sister during the session. She pointed him out and told me that was her brother. I said, "Hey! That's my son!" Chris enteres the MTC on August 15th. He will be learning ASL to teach in Mesa, Arizona.
We have "sons" in Washington, D.C.; Mexico; New York, New York; and other areas throughout the world
I know that in 9 days--when Taylor leaves--life is going to change a lot. Those young men will be friends in a special way for their entire lives, but things will be different when they come home from their missions. They will go to school and get married and get jobs and have babies and move away. I am so grateful to have had the chance to be their Mama Hill during this season!
Doctrine and Covenants 6–9
2 weeks ago
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