The good news is that it is a snowy, beautiful morning.
The bad is that it is a cold, slick morning.
The good news is that I am well.
The bad news is that Ashtyn is sick.
The good news is that I have sick leave.
The bad news is that I got the kids to seminary very late.
The good news is that I filled up my 12-gallon gas tank (in Buzz, our car) for $16.50--$1.37 a gallon!
The bad news is that I dropped my cell phone while I was at the gas station.
The good news is that someone picked it up and turned it in.
The bad news is that I have to take Ashie to the doctor in the snowstorm.
The good news is that I can go with Briana to her Jaguar of the Month banquet.
The bad news is I'll have to drive to that in the snow, too.
The good news is Briana WON'T have to drive in the snow.
The bad news is that it's only 7:43 a.m. It could be a long day.
The good news is that it's only 7:43 a.m. It could be a great day.
Doctrine and Covenants 6–9
2 weeks ago
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