What worked:
I was inspired by Kristi. What I wanted to do was sit and read all day. What I needed to do what accomplish something good.
What I did was clean our bathroom. REALLY clean our bathroom. I cleaned inside the shelves and cupboards and drawers. I washed all the walls and the floor and the sink and the toilet. I scrubbed soap scum out of the shower. I wiped down all the "stuff" that sits in the bathroom, like the trash can and the scale. I took down the 8-year-old shower curtain and the matching valance and replaced them with something newer and more hip. I bought a couple of rugs and a soap dispenser. I cleaned the silk flowers and put some new flowers in the cute yellow pot Spencer made for me. I threw away a kitchen garbage bag full of "stuff." (How does this stuff accumulate?) I reorganized the makeup and other bathroom paraphernalia.
Additionally, I did 4 loads of laundry, including folding and putting them away. AND I folded and put away the two other loads that were done but not finished.
What didn't work:
Uploading the photos from my phone to the computer. I took before and after pictures, just so I could feel good about what I'd accomplished. Mission NOT accomplished. However, I still feel good about the accomplishment. (And if you understood what I just wrote, congratulations!)
What worked:
Spencer and Taylor spent the day replacing parts in the downstairs shower. This has been needed for some time.
What didn't work:
What was supposed to take a couple of hours took all day.
We had Little Caesar's for dinner because it is nigh unto impossible to cook when you have no water.
What worked:
I finally picked up a little pedometer so I could participate in a challenge/drawing at work. I wore it all day and was up to 5,000 steps while I was at Walmart.
What didn't work:
It got knocked off my belt at the gas station, and I lost the battery cover.
What worked:
I jerry-rigged a new battery cover.
What didn't work:
I went out with Ashtyn and came home with no pedometer clipped to my belt. *sigh*
Doctrine and Covenants 6–9
2 weeks ago
What's the challenge? I wanna play!
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