Last night our oldest son was set apart as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. More on that in a bit. For now, I want to tell you about my eternal companion.
Taylor had invited about 6 of his friends to join us in our home for his setting apart. These young men are fabulous people who feel like our own boys in many respects. We were also joined by our bishop, two of my brothers, and a sister-in-law. When the stake presidency came to our home, they made it a very full house. President Hansen and Spencer stood in the entry way, quietly talking for a moment while everyone was exchanging handshakes and greetings.
After everyone had been greeted and seated, Spencer took the lead in conducting the "meeting." He was gracious and marvelous as he welcomed everyone to our home. He called on Becky to pray (thank you, Beck!), and he turned the time over to the stake president. President Hansen outlined how the evening would go, which included testimonies from me and Spencer.
As he was about to stand and invite Tay to sit in the chair to be set apart, Spencer gently said, "President, these young men have been singing together for a long time. I think it would invite the Spirit of the Lord to be here if they sang for us. Would that be alright?" President Hansen was in agreement, so the seven boys (Taylor, Logan, Chris, Ryan, Craig, Jace, and Jake) stood together and sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."
I love those young men, but even more, I was so grateful for my wonderful sweetheart. He is a good man. He is an exceptional husband--so much more than I ever thought I would have! He is a terrific father--what would our family be without him? He is a worthy priesthood bearer, who has more than just priesthood authority. He is authorized and worthy to hold priesthood POWER, and I am so grateful for him!
After everyone had gone home, Spencer stayed up visiting for a few minutes with Taylor and Landon. I don't know what the conversation was, but I walked out to get a drink of water, and my heart took a picture of my three men smiling and talking together in the kitchen.
Doctrine and Covenants 6–9
2 weeks ago
I love your men. All 3 of them. I'm glad you had such a lovely evening.
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