Wednesday, September 9, 2009

If I Were...

...super confident, I would be headed to Chelsea's so she could chop my hair off.

...awake, I would be having a much more productive and fast-moving day.

...a better, healthier person, I would not be craving a 12-oz. sirloin and cheese toast.

...more organized I would not be stressing over Friends of Scouting, a manuscript to work on, a Relief Society lesson to teach, and activities to plan.

...simply a Primary teacher, I would not be even THINKING about Friends of Scouting, a manuscript to work on, a Relief Society lesson to teach, and activities to plan.

...not a whiner, you would have nothing to read.


Jacqueline said...

LOL. You're so funny. But, I think everyone needs to whine a little sometimes :)
(Even adults)