Sunday, June 20, 2010


This is a picture of half of our team for the Ragnar Wasatch Back relay. We are three couples, all from our ward: MaryKay and Dan, me and Spencer, Bob and Stacy. We constituted one half (Van 2) of our team: Ragnarly! Aren't we cool? We've just received our medals at the end of a 36.5 hour, 118-mile race. We spent all that time in the car together, except for when we were each running. We shared meals, naps (thanks, Aunt Marie!), snacks, lights, jackets, many laughs, pain, frustration, and celebration together.
I can't believe I am saying this, but IT. WAS. SO. DANG. FUN.

This is Van 1 of our team. Phil was the only man in that van (he's fantastic). Standing next to him (in the blue) is Suzie, who I love. Phil and Suzie are BIL/SIL, and they live in our ward. The rest of the ladies are Suzie's friends. I wish I could tell you all their names. Suzie, maybe you can tell me the names. They were all fabulous. I think. Because I really only met them each once or twice. :)

Spencer, just taking off for his first leg. He was the All-Star Champion of our team. In fact, someone who works with Dan asked how she could get hold of him and get him on their team. Luckily, Dan kept that information classified. :) Ow, Baby! Check out those legs!

Here is me, near beginning of my first run. ("Run" is still a very subjective term.) I think I look like my mom--we should get her in a running skirt!

Thanks especially to Bob and Stacy for organizing this so beautifully. You are wonderful, and we are grateful to be your friends!


Amy said...

Dang you both (you and Spence) look GOOD! I'm thoroughly impressed (but you already knew that) and I love love LOVE your running skirt. But not nearly as much as I love that smile. Way to go! (We get to celebrate this for like a month right?)

Sara J Low said...

Okay... I heard M.R. ask about your run, so I had to get on to check yesterday! GOOD JOB!!! That is incredible and it sounds like you had a fantastic time. You look like an ATHLETE in that skirt! I wear a skirt when I ride my bike so I don't think that's weird at all! But I wear it to cover the "gus gus" (think Cinderella).

Jessica said...

Holy stinkin' macaroni!!!! I heard all about this raaaaace! I had no idea you were in this! You guys are so totally amazing!