Thursday, July 15, 2010

Compression Rocks My World

If your husband or daughter ever want to go to massage therapy school, I think you should let them.

Yesterday my mid-back was really sore and tight. I asked Bri to just do compression before I went to bed. That means she just leans on me, one muscle at a time. It is basically heavenly, and it really helped. My back popped a time or two, and I could feel my muscles loosening.

There wasn't time for a full massage, which would have been even better. But I got a lot of relief, and I slept very well, and I don't hurt today.

If your husband or daughter ever want to go to massage therapy school, I think you should let them.


Amy said...

I second that!

Kim and Preston said...

I third that! I need that! That would be so nice! One day I will tell my daughter she has to go into that! :)