Thursday, May 20, 2010

Our Dog is Dumb

Bella gulps her food. If we left her food just sitting out, she would just keep eating until there was no more in sight or she vomited--whichever came first. And when we feed her, you would think that we'd been starving her for months--the food is gone in seconds. It's gross.

She's cute, though. Her ears are particularly adorable. And she's fun to play with. She has a couple of red rubber bones that she loves to play tug-of-war with (but she won't step her hind feet onto the dining room laminate floor, so we always win); then we throw the bone and she chases it and brings it back to play some more.

Yesterday when I went into the laundry room to feed Bella I found her red bone in her dog dish. I wondered what she would do if I just filled the dish around the bone. So I did. And she's too stupid to just move the bone out of the way. She eats all around it. So eating just became a lot slower.

The big question is how long she will continue. Can she learn?

What a doofus.


Amy said...

Poor poor Bella. She's on a diet and she doesn't even know it.

At least she's pretty.

Jessica said...

Clever. Berry berry clever!